Rabu, 18 April 2012

An analyzing short story THE STANDARD OF LIVING by Dorothy Parker § Asma Afifah

§  Asma Afifah (10320079)
            Annabel and Midge are best friend; they meet in the office. They have similarity in job as stenographers, but Annabel two years longer in the stenographer department than Midge. They are two girls who have big imagination. The girls are acting as if they were rich people. It was supported by eating imitation "rich people" food. The author describes in detail like when they eat sugar, starches, oils and butter-fats in the afternoon. They are also stylish and arrogant as in: when they across to Fifth Avenue with their Skirts then there is young man grouped and Annabel and Midge held their heads higher and set their feet with exquisite precision, as if they stepped over the necks of peasants. They also have same game, “what would you do if you had a million dollars?” . The game could be played anywhere. Both of two girls stimulate to play the game by shop window. Annabel asked this question to Sylvia (a girl working in the same office). Sylvia answered that she liked to hire a person to shoot Mrs. Cary Cooper. And Midge asked Annabel the same question Annabel answered that she would like to buy a silver-fox coat. Midge did not agree with her answer and told her that her answer is a common one, the author describe in “it was as if she has struck Midge across the mouth. When Midge recover her breath, she cried that she couldn’t imagine how Annabel could do such a thing-silver-fox coast were so common! Annabel defended her taste with the retort that they were not common, either”. There, the two girls have different idea in their dream and for a while they did not speak with each other. Two days later, the two girls agreed to buy a string of pearls. They think that it was kind of a good think, and it would make sense too because they could wear pearls with anything. They walked along Fifth Avenue and entered a shop to buy this string of pearls together. Then, they knew that it costs two hundred fifty dollars. Then they moved away and began to dream again. They wanted more money to buy more valuable thing.. Midge asked Annabel that supposes there is a rich people dies and likes to leave her ten million dollars, “what would be the first thing you would do.” From that reasons, I say that the two girls not be satisfied in their life.
This short story uses close plot because the story provides the entire element of plot, it were containing of expository, rising action, climax and resolution. Expository happened when Annabel found a new game called “what would you do if you had a million dollars”. Rising action happened when both of the girls had different ideas to spend the money, they did not speak and play the game for two days. And climax happened when the two girl agree to spend the money to string of pearls and they knew that the prize of string of pearls was two hundred and fifty dollars. Resolution happened after the girls knowing the prize of string of pearls then moved away and began to dream again. The author used foreshadowing; it is supported when the Annabel found new game, and then she invited Midge to play too. The author also used suspense, I could see from the way how she told about resolution. The two girls changed their mind. Suppose that, there is a rich person dies and leaves you ten million dollars. Now, what would you be the first thing you’d do? For that statement, the reader can predict what will happen after the question.
In this short story, there is external conflict. That is between the two girls and their society or environment. It is showed when Annabel and Midge walked across to Fifth Avenue with their skirts swirled by the hot wind. Then there is a young men lethargically about newsstands awarded them murmurs, exclamations, even—the ultimate tribute—whistles. Means that the society did not receive what they wear, what they wear are not appropriate with the society. While in the development of the story, the author used chronological order, she made straight forward plot without invite the reader go to flash back.
The geography place is not mentioned in this short story. But I have inference that this story happened in American. In 1941 (when the story was written)—up to now, American People are shallow, greedy, selfish, and generally immoral creatures. What some people do not accept is that a person's quality of life is not dependent on their standard of living.. While in the story also like that. The society did not receive the attitude those two girls. Setting of time and place happened in the Saturday afternoon (tearoom), when the girls ate in the office. And in the morning (office) when the Annabel came to Midge and said she had change her mind. Then in the evening, they use their leisure time to play the game.
The major characters in this story are Annabel and Midge because the entire of the story about these women. There also minor characters; Sylvia and Clerk. The author also characterized the characterization with discursive method or telling. Annabel and Midge are over stylish, arrogant, and big imagination. That is told when drawing their hair and nail, having lunch together in the afternoon (they eat bread as similar as rich people), and when they across a group of men, the girl thought as if they stepped over the necks of peasants, then when the girls hoped there was a rich man left their money – one million dollars – after knowing the prize; a string of pearls. They changed the dream to have ten million dollars from people. Midge is more sensitive than Annabel. It is supported when Midge was angry to Annabel because they had different idea. Sylvia was a bad temperature and cruel girl, it supported when she answer Annabel question Sylvia answered that she liked to hire a person to shoot Mrs. Cary Cooper. Clerk is polite people, looked from the way how he welcome the girls in the store.
The author uses third person point of view, because most of the story use “the girls” (they). By using omniscient point of view the author does not participate on the story but she told as same as they knew the condition of the story.


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